Monday, October 7, 2013

Poetry Jam - Fibonacci Sequence

Conflicting Messages

Be wise
Look both ways
Use your mirrors, kid
Objects are closer than they seem
Keep both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road ahead

Crank the radio when you head out on a road trip
Roll the windows all the way down!
Pedal to the metal!
Don’t look back!

Fibonacci Sequence Attempt # 3

Being a parent is the most difficult test in life ... enough said.

-shared at Poetry Jam - 

Check it out.


  1. 100 percent agree-I do not understand why people spend so many dollars on a wedding. I wonder how that feels when they get divorced.

  2. ha. interesting contradiction...out on the open road we can open it up a little...close to home, in traffic, def keep it slow...interesting our contradictions surely....

  3. Really enjoyed the message in your poem here! I like the idea of not looking back, growing, and going.... Best always to look ahead and not back, and change the future, as one cannot change the past!

    Thanks for taking part in Poetry Jam! Always enjoy your work.
