Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Mag 187 - Elusive Bliss

elusive bliss

you cling to light
chase dappled sunbeams
round mottled tree trunks
over rustling goldenrod
toward western sun down -
then flee to the porch light
flutter wings and limbs
tap relentlessly against the pane
beat the back door’s swing
to rush headlong for the lamp
this light pulls you in
exhausts you as you come close
feeling deadly heat until
a mirror’s reflection distracts
it’s then that you stop
flitting close to the glass
seeing the mindless quest
for what it is and settling
harried and bedraggled
as the light is turned off
rest here in the dark
let body and soul still themselves
until the moonlight wakes
another urge to curl and fan
your wings anew 

shared with others at The Mag 187 - Magpie Tales

Image Credit - 'The Moth and the Lamp' - Cesar Santos