Bounder Bash
party animals
slink in snarf wine knosh tidbits
pinch bottoms galore
laugh too loud dribble
careen around the dance floor
draw smirks and whispers
rowdy louts push shove
behave boorishly shout out
stumblebums shamble
vomit in the hall
kick the door shatter the glass
wake the neighborhood
such a bloody shame
a good party ruined by nine
how ‘bout moving on ?
party animals
make excuses slink on out
drop cups, sticky crumbs
finger prints stains butts
chipped plates cracked glasses
tinny music echo
sigh clean tomorrow
tumble to bed morning vow
next weekend their house
I'm hoping I'm not the only one who has had a party that they regretted, that got out of control, that made one feel like a dreg at the bottom of the keg. Mine was a high school bash that turned into a sodden fiasco, that I had to explain at the end of the night to horrified parents, that I will never live down, that I hoped would be visited on the boorish party crashers, at some point.
Ugh ... I still close my eyes and re-visit that night in flashes of images and sensory impressions.
What should have been a good party? Gone bad, what can I say?
Let's see what others are offering up over at Tess Kinkaide's place ... behave yourselves!
Let's see what others are offering up over at Tess Kinkaide's place ... behave yourselves!