Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year !

Snow Flakes in the Dark 

New Years resolutions come at you in such a flurry. Most years, I let them bluster about in my mind for for a few days prior to New Years Day - usually, very early in the morning while I'm languishing in bed and thinking about 'stuff'. What would I do to better myself, my situation in life, my mind, my health, my world ? Most times, they are completely plausible - I should lose weight (UGH), read more intellectually challenging books (laudable), eat less meat and glutens (pragmatic), dust and clean the house more (laughable) ... but really, they're the type of resolutions that are too high-minded, that I know I SHOULD keep to, but won't. Those are the resolutions of my Puritan inner voice, not the resolutions of my soul.

So this year, I'm going to try something new ... I'm looking for resolutions that I can stick with, that can be attained, that may be challenging, but can be fun to work at. This year is the year of the fun resolution ... the frivolous resolution, the useful resolution, the spiritually renewing resolution.

I resolve to read a book from each of the recognized literary genres.

I resolve to learn a bit about origami and make a few interesting pieces.
I resolve to find five new cookie recipes worthy of filling the house cookie jar.

I resolve to visit a new city and explore it for a day or two or three.

I resolve to complete one piece of counted cross-stitch embroidery... and give it away.

I resolve to go to the beach once during each month of the year and photograph the visit.

I resolve to create a photo file of images that I can use to make a 2015 calendar.

I resolve to re-establish contact with a few old friends that have moved off and away over the years.

I resolve to write more poetry and children's stories.

I resolve to touch base on these resolutions at least three times during the year to see just how I'm doing.

So there it is ... my list of ten resolutions for the 2014 year. Now, let's get started, Susan ... I found this origami website that looks like it might actually help me start out with some fun!

First Attempts @ Origami

Wrapology Origami Tutorial

Penny for your thoughts ... any interesting resolutions on your front?

1 comment:

  1. These are great resolutions -- very achievable and fun. I hope you will share your monthly beach photos!
